Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birthday Party

A birthday party in :en:Oregon. Taken by me.Image via Wikipedia

Yours, mine, our kids'. Birthday parties always make me nervous.

We've been invited across the street to celebrate the 3rd birthday of our neighbor's child. I think. The handwritten note said, "We're celebrating K's birthday Sunday from 4-7. Please stop by."

Does the invite include Diver? In the bad-old days, Diver used to scare these neighbors, who approached me to express their concern for my safety. It's been a couple of years since Diver engaged in the behavior (meltdowns, yelling, throwing things) that scared them. It's 4:00. We're off.

7:45 pm. Diver did great. There was so much for a child with autism to navigate: heat, crowd, noise, strangers, long waits, little kids, nervous mother. He was a perfect gentleman; courteous, helpful, thoughtful, funny. He could have done it without me. And that's the goal, right?

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  1. Yay, Diver! That is worth celebrating indeed!

  2. Arraning Birthday parties are always a big responsibility but i guess you did pretty well.
    :) the invitation was an original line like the idea.

  3. That was a great party I may say, you all shared different emotions. It's great you had a great time.
