Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not-so-sweet Sunday

We hate Sundays, both of us. For me, Sunday brings home my very solitary life. It's family day; people do things with their families, and Diver and I have only each other. No partner. No siblings. No extended family. No Sunday dinner with the folks. For Diver, its the lack of routine that's most painful. Monday-Friday we've got a good thing going now. Saturday we can generally find an activity of interest. Saturday night Diver is with his Dad. Then comes Sunday, when we have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I've tried to build in some routine for Diver with a religious school class and a session with his trainer at the Y, but it's not working. Our lives are just empty.
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  1. Meh. I don't remember Sundays being any less boring when I was married, or, for that matter, when I was a kid. Did you have great Sunday nights in your childhood? I'd love to know how other people fill that dead time.

    Our Sunday night is too-much-TV night; keeps the boys' minds off how much they hate Monday mornings and the first day of the school-week.

  2. Spring is coming. I have high hopes that it will bring with it, as it usually does, a lessening of bleakness. Hang in there. The weather just sucked today until about 5:30, and no-sun days wreak havoc with my mood.

  3. We had a Sunday routine in my childhood, and we were a family of six. We watched "Jubilee Showcase" on WGN before breakfast, went to Sunday School, drove to Chicago to visit Grandma (and sometimes a museum) and got home sleepy, ready for bed. I wish I had that for Diver.

  4. I am sorry. Sometimes our Sundays are "BORING" as my teen would say. My son, who is Autistic is basically happy just because he doesn't have to go to school. I just found your blog, by the way.

  5. Kristi-
    For the first time in his school career, my AS son likes school - as well he should. It took us six years and a lawsuit to find a school setting that suits him. He is in an ASD program with structure and supports that allow him to thrive. So (I think!) my challenge is to find structures and support that will do that on Sundays, as well. Do you have other family that provides some "family life" on weekends?

  6. You know what I hate more than Sundays? Mondays of a 3-day weekend. I'm sure you know just what I'm talking about.

    The kids and I are very active in the church, and attend every weekend, and sometimes I wonder if its just a way to build routine into our weekends. Not that I don't think they benefit from it, but still. It does add a schedule to a day that would otherwise be too squiggly.

  7. And your kids can sit through a service?

    I think a lot of people enjoy the routine of religion. Diver digs holidays, but services? Nope.
